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PTECH students to help museum attract new visitors

January 6, 2023 | Filed in Archive, HFM PTECH, HFM Top Stories
HFM PTECH artists are teaming up with the Arkell Museum at Canajoharie to help the museum attract new visitors! 9th grade students enrolled in Studio Art recently visited the museum and were tasked with helping the museum attract a younger audience. The students were asked to create a new piece of art or design inspired by an artwork that is currently on display. The redesign can be a traditional painting, drawing, sculpture, or a more unconventional object. The redesigns will then be shared in an online gallery for family and friends to enjoy. Mary Alexander, the Curator of Education and Public Engagement at the Arkell Museum, will then select 1-3 pieces of art to display side-by-side with the original artwork at the museum. The finalists will be announced on January 25. Stay tuned!
A student points at a painting inside a gallery at the Arkell Museum in Canajoharie, NY while speaking with another classmate. Students view artwork inside a gallery at the Arkell Museum in Canajoharie, NY.