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2023-2024 approved state, federal and miscellaneous grants for Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES.

School Library System (Categorical Aid for Automation)

$9,546. To provide participating school library staff with library automation development and ongoing support. (Code F803)

PTECH Agriculture Grant (Pathways in Technology Early College High School

$625,000. To provide residents of the Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Testing Service Area (TSA) opportunities to access the HSE exam, as well as to continue HSE testing services at the Fulton and Montgomery Correctional Facilities. (Code F815)

High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing Grant

$2,284. To provide residents of the Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Testing Service Area (TSA) opportunities to access the HSE exam, as well as to continue HSE testing services a the Fulton and Montgomery Correctional Facilities. (Code F830)

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 2- Adult Education & Literacy

$125,000. To provide skill development classes, High School Equivalency, English as a second language as well as Distance Learning opportunities, to targeted populations who are in need of literacy and numeracy skills, English language development and workforce preparedness. (Code F832)

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 2 – Welfare Education Program (WEP) Amsterdam Literacy Zone

$150,000. To close the achievement gap in urban and rural communities of concentrated poverty and high concentrations of families and individuals with limited literacy or English language proficiency. To provide a systemic focus on meeting the literacy needs of communities, from birth through adults. (Code F833)

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 2 – Welfare Education Program (WEP) Gloversville Literacy Zone

$150,000. To close the achievement gap in urban and rural communities of concentrated poverty and high concentrations of families and individuals with limited literacy or English language proficiency. To provide a systemic focus on meeting the literacy needs of communities, from birth through adults. (Code F834)

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 2- Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education

$300,000. To provide targeted populations with classes that focus on integrated English-language skills, workforce readiness, and civics education. (Code F836)

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 2- Incarcerated Students

$250,000. To provide High School Equivalency, civics, financial and health literacy classes to incarcerated students. (Code F837)

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act

$283,000. The Carl D. Perkins Grant is intended to support Career and Technical Education in the following areas: increased access to high quality CTE programs, support for all students enrolled in CTE, improve career development for all students and build regional partnerships among secondary education, post-secondary education and business/ industry with a focus on labor market demands. (F890)

School Library System

$143,165. To provide vision, leadership and professional development for component school library staff and promote collaborative opportunities among component districts including facilitating access to quality information resources and sharing of best ideas and practices. (F891)

Grand Total Grants:

