Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Counties
Johnstown, NY 12095
View the June 30, 2020 meeting video
Download printer-friendly June 30, 2020 meeting minutes
June 30, 2020
Meeting can be accessed via phone: Call: 1-646-992-2010 – Access Number: 129 876 4293
Special Board Meeting
Harry Brooks, Carmen Caraco, John DeValve, Jean LaPorta, Gustavo Sacerio and Allan Turnbull
James Beirlein
David Ziskin, District Superintendent; Lorraine Hohenforst, Deputy Superintendent; Kathi Lewis, School Business Official and Christine Eaton, Clerk
President Brooks called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by Gustavo Sacerio and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented and add any items introduced by unanimous vote.
Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation, the following personnel items were presented to the Board for acceptance or approval. All new appointments are contingent upon receipt of Employment Eligibility Verification form.
Resignation for Retirement
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to accept the following employee’s letter of intent to retire:
Diana Lindsley, Senior Typist, Adult Literacy and Corrections Education (10/04/2010), Effective Date: 10/15/2020
(SY 19-20 #587)
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to accept the following resignations:
Laurel Douglas, Position: Hourly Teacher Aide, Division: Adult Literacy and Corrections Education (12/11/2010), Effective Date: 06/25/2020
Christine Carioto, Position: Coordinator of ADK to accept a Principal of ADK position effective October 1, 2020, Position: ADK (10/29/2018), Effective Date: 09/30/2020
(SY 19-20 #588 #589)
Appointments – Certified Administrator
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to appoint the following certified administrator:
Name: Christine Carioto, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Principal of Alternative Education, Title: Principal of Adirondack Academy, Salary: $91,800.00 pro-rated to $68,850.00, Effective Dates: 10/01/20-09/30/2024, Location: ADK, Certification: School District Leader-Professional and School Building Leader – Initial.
(SY 19-20 #590)
Appointments – Certified Teachers
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to appoint the following certified teacher:
(Tenure will be contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout his or her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 3012, 3012-c, 3012-d)
Name: Melissa Carpenter, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Education of Children with Handicapping Conditions – General Special Education, Title: Special Education Teacher, Salary: $43,226.00, Effective Dates: 09/01/2020 – 08/31/2024, Location: Special Education, FTE: 1.0
(SY 19-20 #591)
Appointments – Certified Relates Services
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to appoint the Services following certified related services personnel:
Name: Kristie Javarone, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Speech Pathologist, Title: Speech Pathologist, Salary: $53,357.00, Effective Dates: 09/01/2020-08/31/2024, Location: Special Education, Certification: Speech and Language Disabilities – Professional and Speech Language Pathology Professional License.
(SY 19-20 #592)
All Other Appointments
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to approve the following appointments:
Appoint the following ADK staff members to work up to 30 hours at a rate of $25.00 per hour on professional development and curriculum work effective July 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020:
Heather Haas, Thomas Halloran, Heather Shaw, Edward Stroud, Charles Goebel, Maureen Jones, Brian Garrity, Michael Schell, Roger Bowley, Karen Quinn
(SY 19-20 #593)
Appoint the following ADK staff members to work up to 30 hours at their hourly for professional development and curriculum work effective July 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020:
Gary Avery, Laurie Eaton, Jeremy Rowland
(SY 19-20 #593)
Appoint the following ADK staff members for per diem summer work days in order to prepare for the new school year, to include, building the quarterly credit block schedule, new student intake meetings, and development of the PBIS program.
Julie Blanchard, School Counselor, Up to 25 days
Kasie Hext, School Psychologist, Up to 5 days
(SY 19-20 #594)
Appoint the following staff to work hourly for the Regional Summer School or Regional Enrichment programs effective July 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020 at the corresponding rate next to their names:
Sikora, Kristen, Teacher, $30.00 per hour
Mello, Heather, Teacher, $30.00 per hour
Eakin, Jodi, Teacher, $30.00 per hour
Kathy Velasco, Teacher, $30.00 per hour
(SY 19-20 #595, #596)
Appoint the following Instructional Services Staff member to work up to 20 days over at her daily rate effective July 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020.
Kristen Sikora
(SY 19-20 #597)
Appoint the following staff members to un-paid Administrative Internship positions with the Special Education Division effective September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021:
Jeanne Halloran – Special Education Teacher, PTECH
(SY 19-20 #598)
Appoint the following Special Education Registered Professional Nurses (School) to participate as needed for Special Education Student intakes effective July 1, 2020 through August 30, 2020 for no more than 30 hours each at their 2020-2021 hourly rate.
Heather Bazan, $32.14 per hour
Heidi Blackford, $30.96 per hour
Darlene Vogt, $32.14 per hour
(SY 19-20 #599)
Amended Appointments
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to approve the following amended appointments:
England, Ryan – Math Teacher with CTE, amending his appointment to work on Curriculum effective July 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020 from up to 20 hours to up to 50 hours. (SY 19-20 #600)
Pietro, Christine – Regional Summer School Principal, amending her appointment for her total salary not to exceed $26,000.00 for the 2019-2020 school year.
(SY 19-20 #601)
Miscellaneous Personnel Item
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to approve the Amendment to the Employment Agreement by and between Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES and Lorraine G. Hohenforst.
(SY 19-20 #602)
Pursuant to the competitive bidding process, Jean Laporta made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to accept the bid recommendations as noted by memoranda from the Treasurer and the Chief Financial Officer in the following areas:
RFB 20-04 – Milk – Skiff’s Dairy 188 County Highway 106, Johnstown, NY 12095 (SY 19-20 #603, 603B)
RFB 20-05 – Bread – Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. 1 Petra Lane, Albany, NY 12205 (SY 19-20 #604, 604B)
RFB 20-06 – Chemical – Hill & Markes, Inc. 1997 State Highway 5S, Amsterdam, NY 12010 and US Foods Albany 755 Pierce Road, Clifton Park, N Y 12065 (SY 19-20 #605, 605B)
RFB 20-07 – Paper – Hill & Markes, Inc. 1997 State Highway 5S, Amsterdam, NY 12010 and US Foods Albany 755 Pierce Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065 (SY 19-20 #606, 606B)
RFB 20-08 – Ice Cream – Hershey Creamery 1206 Albany Street, Schenectady, NY 12304 (SY 19-20 #607, 607B)
RFB 20-09 – Groceries – Ginsberg’s Foods, Inc. Route 66, Hudson, NY 12534 and US Foods Albany 755 Pierce Road, Clifton Park, 12065 (SY 19-20 608, 608B)
RFB 20-10 – Meat & Dairy – Ginsberg’s Foods, Inc. Route 66, Hudson, NY 12534 and US Foods Albany, 755 Pierce Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065 (SY 19-20 #609, 609B)
RFB 20-11 – Net Off Invoice – Ginsberg’s Foods, Inc. Route 66, Hudson, NY 12534 and US Foods Albany, 755 Pierce Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065 (SY 19-20 #610, 610B)
RFP 20-14 Phone, PA and Lockdown Systems – Phone System – Ronco Communications and Electronics, Inc. 595 Sherland Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150 and Public Announcement System – Fire, Security and Sound Systems, Inc., 4 Avis Drive Suite 110, Latham NY 12110.
(SY 19-20#611, 611B)
Carmen Caraco made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the amended lease agreement by and between HFM BOCES and the Greater Johnstown School District for the use of Glebe Street Elementary School effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2030. This motion was unanimously carried. (SY 19-20 #612)
Carmen Caraco made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to accept the following resolution pertaining to RFP 20-01:
WHEREAS, on August 27, 2019, the HFM BOCES issued a RFP for adult academic software and received two responses; and
WHEREAS, the BOCES did not take action to award or reject such contract at that time and would like to do so now.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the HFM BOCES hereby rejects any and all bid submissions for adult academic software, as advertised in the RFP issued on August 27, 2019. (SY 19-20 #613B)
Carmen Caraco made a motion to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and Deborah Grimshaw to provide “refresher” or “new” evaluator training for principals effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This motion was seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried. (SY 19-20 #614)
Allan Turnbull made a motion to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement and between HFM BOCES and Deborah Grimshaw coordinate all aspects of home school instruction support for districts participating in the HFM BOCES home school COSER from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This motion was seconded by Gustavo Sacerio and unanimously carried. (SY 19-20 #615)
Jean LaPorta made a motion to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and Deborah Grimshaw to conduct principal evaluations effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This motion was seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried. (SY 19-20 #616)
OTHER BUSINESS Revised 2019-2020 Calendar
Jean LaPorta made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to adopt the revised 2019-2020 school calendar as submitted. (SY 19-20 #617)
President Brooks commented that though everyoneis getting efficient with the virtual meetings, it is not personal.
July 1, 2020, HFM BOCES Reorganizational Meeting, 5:00 p.m., Location – Virtual Meeting
July 29, 2020 HFM BOCES Goal Setting/Special Meeting, 5:00 p.m., Location – TBA
With no further business to come before the Board, Allan Turnbull made a motion at 5:18 p.m. to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Eaton
Clerk of the Board