Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Counties
Johnstown, NY 12095
click here to download printer-friendly July 10, 2019 minutes
July 10, 2019
Central Administration Office
Reorganization/Special Board Meeting
James Beirlein, Harry Brooks, Carmen Caraco, John DeValve, Joanne Freeman, and Allan Turnbull
Jean LaPorta (present by phone)
Anita Murphy, Interim District Superintendent; Lorraine Hohenforst, Deputy Superintendent; Kathi Lewis, School Business Manager; Aaron Flynn, Human Resources Manager; David Ziskin, Fort Plain Superintendent; Ashley Onyon, Reporter with the Leader Herald and Christine Eaton, Clerk
The reorganization meeting of HFM BOCES was called to order by the Interim District Superintendent, at 5:03 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Harry Brooks made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull to appoint the Interim District Superintendent as the temporary chairperson of the reorganizational meeting. This motion carried unanimously.
At this time the Clerk administered the oath of office to reelected Board Members Joanne Freeman and Harry Brooks.
The Interim District Superintendent then asked for nominations for the office of President. John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull, to nominate Joanne Freeman to the office of President for the 2019-2020 school year. John DeValve then made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull, to close the polls, temporarily suspend the rules and instruct the Clerk to cast one vote for Joanne Freeman to the office of President. This motion was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Freeman was then administered the oath of office of Board President.
At this time, President Freeman assumed leadership of the meeting. President Freeman then requested nominations for the office of Vice President.
Carmen Caraco made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull, to nominate Harry Brooks to the office of Vice President for the 2019-2020 school year. Harry Brooks then made a motion to remove his name and nominate Jean LaPorta to the office of Vice President for the 2019-20 school year. This motion was seconded by James Beirlein. Harry Brooks then made a motion, seconded by James Beirlein to close the polls, temporarily suspend the rules and instruct the Clerk to cast one vote for Jean LaPorta to the office of Vice President. This motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. LaPorta will be administered the oath of office of Vice President at the next Board meeting.
Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation the following appointments for the 2019-2020 school year were presented for Board approval:
Clerk of the Board, Christine Eaton
Treasurer, Jennifer Clear
Claims Auditor ($20 per hour), TBD
Deputy Internal Claims Auditor ($20 per hour), Jennifer Nicolella
Extracurricular Accounts Treasurer, Jayette Miller
Asst. Treas. of Extracurricular Accts., Treasurer of the Board
Extra Class Faculty Auditor, Treasurer of the Board
Extra Class Faculty Counselor, Michael Jacob (Special Ed), Jay DeTraglia (CTE), Matthew Davis (PTECH), Denise Capece (AG-PTECH), Richard Potter (ADK), Christopher Murphy (Foothills PTECH)
Extra Class Faculty Advisors (List appended to minutes)
Verifier of Purchase Orders, Tiffannie Brown, Lisa Royal
Purchasing Officer, Linda Edwards
Deputy Purchasing Officer, School BusinessManager
Official Newspapers, The Leader Herald, The Recorder, The Gazette
Official Radio Stations, WENT, Gloversville, WCSS, Amsterdam
School Physician, Paul G. Comber, MD, PhD, St. Mary’s Healthcare
Attorneys, Girvin and Ferlazzo,P.C. and Michele Jones, Capital Region BOCES
Auditors, West & Company CPAs, P.C.
Internal Auditors, Questar III BOCES
AHERA/SASS Designee and District Safety Officer, Jessica Kirby-Barnes
Information Officer, Deputy Superintendent
Records Management Officer, Deputy Superintendent
Official Bank, NBT Bank
General Insurance, NYSIR – Mang Agency
Workers Compensation Insurance, NYSIF – Robert J. Hoy mAgency, Inc.
Health Insurance, BlueShield of Northeastern NY and Empire BlueCross
Dental Insurance, Delta Dental
Compliance Officers, Human Resources Manager, Deputy Superintendent
School Library System Council, (List appended to minutes)
Board Audit Committee, Committee of the Whole
NYSSBA Voting Delegate, Joanne Freeman
NYSSBA Voting Alternate, John DeValve
NYSSBA Legislative Liaison, Joanne Freeman
Tobacco Free School Policy Liaison, Jessica Kirby-Barnes
Dignity Act Coordinators (List appended to minutes)
Homeless Liaison/Migrant Education Coordinator, School Business Manager
Financial Advisor, Karen Moon, Vice President of Bernard Donegan Inc.
HFM BOCES Bond Counsel, M. Corneilia Cahill, Esq. of Hiscock & Barclay LLP
James Beirlein made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, to approve the 2019-2020 reorganization appointments as presented, making note that positions left in the to be determined status will be approved by the Board as they are filled. This motion carried unanimously.
Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation the following resolutions for the 2019-2020 school year were presented to the Board for approval:
Authorize the Deputy Superintendent to certify all payrolls
Authorize the District Superintendent to sign and file all applications and certifications for federal and state funds
Authorize the Deputy Superintendent to assume the duties of the District Superintendent in the District Superintendent’s absence
Authorize the District Superintendent to employ non-instructional and instructional substitutes, adult education staff, and temporary employees
Authorize District Superintendent and Treasurer to borrow up to $500,000.00 in anticipation of revenues
Authorize School Business Manager, to transfer budgetary appropriations up to $10,000
Authorize the capitalizing threshold at $5,000
Authorize Treasurer, with approval of District Superintendent, to invest funds within legal limitations
Authorize the transfer of up to $2,000,000.00 (two million dollars) from funds with available balances to the General Fund to cover cash flow needs, with repayment to be made within one year, as permitted when borrowing between funds. In discussion with our local auditors, it is recommended that in order to avoid legal costs and interest associated with the issuance of RANs, BOCES use the internal transfer option to cover cash flow needs
Authorize the Treasurer of the BOCES to use an electronic check signature to authenticate checks issued on the BOCES accounts and to process transfers as required. Authorize the Purchasing Official to use an electronic check signature to authenticate payroll checks in the absence of the Treasurer. Authorize the School Business Manager to use an electronic check signature to authenticate accounts payable checks in the absence of the Treasurer. Authorize the Purchasing Official and School Business Manager to process transfers in the absence of the Treasurer.
Authorize the following employees with single signature authority: Treasurer, Purchasing Official and School Business Manager.
Authorize the District Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and School Business Manager, or their designee to approve staff mileage, conference attendance, and payment/reimbursement within budgetary appropriations
Authorize director-principals and principals to suspend students for up to five days
Authorize BOCES to participate in cooperative bidding of supplies, services, equipment, and janitorial products with public school districts and municipalities of Fulton, Montgomery, and Hamilton Counties as well as DCMO BOCES
Re-adopt the Audit Committee Charter, effective July 1, 2019
Re-Adopt the Board Policy Manual, all sections and policies therein, effective July 1, 2019
Re-Adopt the Constitutionally Protected Prayer in the Schools Certification
Adopt the last Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. as BOCES board meeting date and time, except as otherwise indicated on the annual board meeting dates calendar
Adopt the HFM BOCES mileage chart effective July 1, 2019, and authorize the School Business Manager to amend the chart as required during the course of the school year
Authorize the Board President and/or District Superintendent to sign contracts on behalf of the Board of Education
Confirm HFM credit card limits as follows: District Superintendent – $25,000
Deputy Superintendent and School Business Manager – $ 36,400 (combined)
Establish three separate petty cash funds as follows:
Business Office (Jennifer Clear) $50
Career & Technical Education (Lorrie Hanifan) $50
Special Education (Holly Anker) $50
Authorize two school lunch point of sale drawer change accounts as follows:
HFM BOCES Main Campus – Tracey Buley – $100
Jansen Avenue – Margaret Ugalde – $50
Establish the following substitute staff pay rates for the school year 2019-2020:
Long-Term Substitute Teachers – Certified $125.00 per diem
Long-Term Substitute Teachers – Uncertified $105.00 Per diem
Certified Substitute Teachers $95.00 per diem
Uncertified Substitute Teachers $85.00 per diem
Substitute School Nurses (RN) $95.00 per diem
Substitute School Nurses (LPN) $85.00 per diem
Substitute Clinical Nurses (RN) $160.00 per diem
Substitute Clinical Nurses (LPN) $150.00 per diem
Long-Term Substitute Teacher Aides $85.00 per day
Substitute Teacher Aides $11.10 per hour
Substitute Teacher Aides required to travel from the student’s home $11.10 per hour
Substitute Interpreters $12.77 per hour
Substitute Typist $12.21 per hour
Substitute Couriers $11.88 per hour
Substitute Food Service Helper $11.21 per hour
Substitute School Monitor $11.10 per hour
Substitute School Bus Attendants $12.03 per hour
Substitute School Bus Driver $17.00 per hour
Long-term Regional Summer School/Enrichment Certified Substitute Teachers $16.15 per hour
Regional Summer School/Enrichment Certified Substitute Teachers $14.62 per hour
Regional Summer/Enrichment School Uncertified Substitute Teachers $13.08 per hour
Regional Summer School/Enrichment Substitute Nurse (RN) $14.62 per hour
Regional Summer School/Enrichment Substitute Typist $12.21 per hour
Regional Summer School/Enrichment Substitute School Monitors $11.10 per hour
Authorize board member and administrative attendance at approved conferences and meetings including the authority to expend funds associated with these activities
Authorize membership in Mohawk-Sacandaga School Boards Association, Capital Area School Development Association, New York State School Boards Association, Rural Schools Association, Fulton-Montgomery County Regional Chamber of Commerce, American Association of Educational Service Agencies, Statewide BOCES P/R – Erie I, BOCES the Energy Pricing Consortium, BOCES Education Consortium and the Fulton County CGR
Authorize the District Superintendent and School Business Manager to approve business related travel reimbursement at the latest available published IRS rate
Authorize bonding of all HFM BOCES employees up to $100,000 plus an additional $900,000 coverage per loss
Establish April 1, 2020, as the date for the next BOCES Annual Meeting
Establish April 29, 2020, as the date on which each component school board shall conduct a public meeting for the purpose of voting on the BOCES administrative budget and candidates to fill vacancies on the BOCES Board of Education, pursuant to Section 1950 of Education Law
Establish the following Adult Services Tuitions for school year 2019-2020:
Career/Technical Program (½ day) $2,945.00
Career/Technical Program (full day) 5,000.00
Establish the following ancillary pay rates for school year 2019-2020:
Retiree Scorers, $100/per diem
Regional Scoring Assistants, 15/hour
Lifeguard, 11.10/hour
Adult Educators, 25/hour
Bus Driver Trainers, 25/hour
Curriculum Writing, 25/hour
Summer Professional Development Participants, 25/hour
Regional Summer School Teacher, 30/hour
Regional Summer School Teaching Assistant, 15/hour
TASC/HSE Coordinator, 25.00/hour
TASC/HSE Examiner, 20.00/hour
TASC/HSE Proctor, 13.52/hour
Regional Enrichment Summer Program Teacher, 30/hour
Regional Enrichment Summer Program Teacher Assistant, 15/hour
Reaffirm that the Hamilton-Fulton & Montgomery BOCES is a non-discriminatory employer
Reaffirm that alternative communications will be used to assist the handicapped
Reaffirm that BOCES meetings will be held in locations most accessible to the handicapped
Reaffirm BOCES commitment to comply with The Freedom of Information Act and The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Reaffirm BOCES commitment to comply with the Open Meeting Law
Reaffirm BOCES commitment to comply with Title IX
Reaffirm BOCES commitment to comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA)
Reaffirm BOCES commitment to comply with the Annual School Integrated Pest Management notification requirements
Reaffirm charge for transcripts for adult students $5.00 per transcript
Reaffirm a photocopy fee of $0.25 per face sheet
Reaffirm that secretarial fees associated with the retrieval of information shall be at the actual pay rates for the person(s) performing the retrieval tasks
A motion was made by Allan Turnbull and seconded by John DeValve, to approve the reorganization resolutions for the 2019-2020 school year as presented. This motion was unanimously carried.
At 5:11 p.m. a motion was made by Allan Turnbull to adjourn the reorganization meeting and prepare to enter a special board meeting. This motion was seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Eaton
Clerk of the Board
Extraclassroom Activity Fund 2019 – 2020
100 Auto Body, John Ackermann
102, Auto A, Thomas Davis
106 Conservation, Adam Cancio
109 Cosmetology A, Julie Mead
110 Cosmetology B, Valerie Charpentier
115 Digital Multimedia, Andrew Huth
116 Life Skills, Patricia Muselbeck
129 Criminal Justice, Thomas Nethaway/Thomas Dimezza
132 Teen Council, Cheryl Kelly
133 Foundations of Food, Rebecca Skretkowicz
136 Autism Spectrum Disorder Program, Daniella Murphy
138 Encompass Learning Program, Alison Daly
140 PTECH Student Government, TBD; PTECH Academic Club, TBD; PTECH Art Club, TBD; PTECH Blacksmith Club, TBD; PTECH Drama and Glee Club, TBD; PTECH Future Business Leaders of America, TBD; PTECH Rock and Jazz Club, TBD; PTECH Student Judicial Council, TBD; PTECH Underwater Robotics Club, TBD; PTECH Yearbook Club, TBA
141 FFA, Julia Hudyncia; AGPTECH Student Government, Abigail Jacobs; AGPTECH Academic Club, Alaina Campolieta/ Kelly Long
142 Veterinary & Animal Science, Meredith Tuppen
143 Foothills PTECH Yearbook. TBD
144 Foothills PTECH Student Government, TBD
Construction Technology Program, Steven Derwin
Kristi Beedon, Amsterdam , 7/1/17 – 6/30/20
Amber Smith, Fonda-Fultonville, 7/1/17 – 6/30/22
Mary VanPatten, Fort Plain, 7/1/19 – 6/30/22
Carla Bengle-Mackey, Gloversville, 7/1/17 – 6/30/20
Sarah Cordts, Johnstown, 7/1/18 – 6/30/21
Halley Zanconato, Mayfield, 7/1/17- 06/30/20
Cornelius Bradt, St. Mary’s Institute, 7/1/18 – 6/30/21
Christine Suhr (Chair), Wells, 7/1/19- 6/30/22
Kathy Gundrum, CDLC, 7/1/18 – 6/30/21
Dan Towne, FMCC, 7/1/17 – 6/30/20
TBD, Administrative Representative, 7/1/17-6/30/20
Eric Trahan, Public Libraries Representative, Mohawk Valley Library System, 7/1/17-06/30/20
Charis Kakavelos, CTE
Michael DiMezza, CTE
Matthew Popp, Special Education
Daniel Salvagni, Special Education
Holly Hisert-Joyner, Special Education
Kristen Michaels, Special Education
Shay Prins, Special Education
Rachel Defelice, Special Education
Richard Potter, Adirondack Academy
Christine Carioto, Adirondack Academy
Julie Blanchard, Adirondack Academy
Matthew Davis, PTECH
Jennifer Sponnoble, PTECH
Denise Capece, AG-PTECH
Angeline Conte, AG-PTECH
Christopher Murphy, Foothills PTECH
Taylor VanSlyke, Foothills PTECH
Following the Reorganizational Meeting, President Freeman called a special board meeting to order at 5:12 p.m.
Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation the following personnel items were presented to the Board for acceptance or approval. All new appointments are made on an emergency, conditional basis and contingent upon receipt of Employment Eligibility Verification forms.
Abolishment of Positions
Harry Brooks made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to abolish the following positions:
(2) Food Service Director I, Central Food Service, effective date: 06/30/2019
Resignation for Retirement
James Beirlein made a motion, seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried to accept the following resignation for retirement:
Allan MacVean, Bus Driver, Regional Transportation (11/09/2009), 12/31/2019
(SY 19-20 #1)
John DeValve made a motion to accept the resignations listed below. This motion was seconded by James Beirlein and unanimously carried.
Jenna Roth, Claims Auditor, Business Office (08/30/2018), effective date: 06/27/2019
Martin Vysohlid, Physics Teacher, PTECH (09/10/2018), effective date:07/24/2019
Lynne Loveless, Teacher Aide, Special Education ESYP (07/01/2019), effective date:06/21/2019
Gregory Heroth, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, Regional Summer School (07/01/2019), effective date:06/24/2019
Sara Sheldon, Senior Typist, Foothills PTECH (01/01/2019), effective date:06/30/2019
SY 19-20 #2, #3, #4, #5, #6)
Carmen Caraco made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to appoint the following:
(In order to be eligible for tenure, individuals receiving a probationary appointment as a classroom teacher must receive annual composite or overall APPR ratings of Highly Effective or Effective in at least three of the four preceding years. If the individual received a rating of Ineffective in the final year of the probationary period, the employee will not be eligible for tenure at that time.)
Name: Ping Huang, Appointment Type: Probationary Tenure Area: Chinese Teacher, Title: Chinese Teacher, Salary: $44,288.00, Effective Dates: 09/01/2019 –08/31/2023, Location: PTECH and Foothills PTECH, FTE: 1.0, Certification: Chinese 7-12 -Internship
(SY 19-20 #7)
Name: Kellie LaCoppola, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: School Counselor, Title: School Counselor, Salary: $55,387.00, Effective Dates: 09/01/2019-08/31/2023, Location: Itinerant Services, Certification: School Counselor-Permanent
(SY 19-20 #8)
Civil Service (Permanent Appointment subject to defined probationary term indicated in the effective dates)
Name: Misty Dygert, Appointment Type: Provisional, CS Title: Records Management Clerk, Appointment Date: 07/01/2019, Salary: $25,923.61, FTE: 1.0, Location: Records Management
(SY 18-19 #9)
Recommend the Board approve the appointments of the substitutes listed below, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).
Teacher – effective 07/11/2019
Krysten Forbes
Teacher Aide – effective 07/11/2019
Krysten Forbes
School Monitor- effective 07/11/2019
Krysten Forbes
(SY 19-20 #10)
Recommend the Board approve the appointments and re-appointments of staff listed below for the 2019-20 school year, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).
Richard Santelli, CTE, $200.00 Per Diem, 07/01/2019 – 06/30/2020, N/A, Careers in Education Instructor
(SY 19-20 #11)
Recommend the Board approve the appointments and re-appointments of staff listed below for the 2018-19 school year, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).
Holly Hisert-Joyner, Special Ed, $25.00 Hourly. 07/01/2018-06/30/2019. N/A, DASA Coordinator
(SY 19-20 #12)
Recommend the Board approve the appointments and re-appointments of staff listed below for the 2019-20 school year, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).
J. Anthony DiMezza, Regional Summer School, $16.15 Hourly, effective date: 07/01/2019-08/31/2019, N/A, Long-term Substitute
Joanne Schmidt, CTE, $190.00, Per Diem, effective date: 09/01/2019-06/30/2020, 120 days, Medical Assisting Clinical Assistant
Ron Luft, CTE, $190.00, Per Diem, effective date: 09/01/2019-06/30/2020, 60 days, Medical Assisting Clinical Assistant
John Paris, Regional Summer School, $16.15 Hourly, effective date: 07/01/2019-08/31/2019, N/A, Long-term Substitute
(SY 19-20 #13, #14, #15)
Appoint the following PTECH staff to work up to 125 hours each at a rate of $25.00 per hour for curriculum writing and professional development work effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019:
Charles Arney
Jennifer Drake
Anna Maria Goderie
Jeanne Halloran
Ping Huang
Lisa Johnson
Melissa McGill
Susan Pienta
Carol Connelly
Sandra Barkevich
Jennifer Sponnoble
Appoint the following PTECH employees for up to five days each of summer instructional student contact work at each individual’s daily rate effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019:
Charles Arney
Jennifer Drake
Anna Maria Goderie
Jeanne Halloran
Ping Huang
Lisa Johnson
Melissa McGill
Susan Pienta
Carol Connelly
Sandra Barkevich
Appoint the following Ag-PTECH employee for up to 20 days of school counselor work and/or summer student contact work at each individual’s daily rate effective July 1, 2019 through August 30, 2019:
Jennifer Sponnoble
(SY 19-20 #16)
Appoint the following Adirondack Academy staff to work up to 24 hours each at a rate of $25.00 per hour mfor curriculum writing and professional development work effective July 11, 2019 through August 31, 2019.
Heather Haas
William Wood
Charles Goebel
Brian Garrity
Roger Bowley
David Itzo
Edward Stroud
Margaret Perrella
Maureen Jones
Michael Schell
Barbara Hoenzsch
TBD Mathematics Teacher
TBD Living Environment Teacher
(SY 19-20 #17)
Appoint the following Adirondack Academy staff to work up to 24 hours each at their hourly rate for mcurriculum writing and professional development work effective July 11, 2019 through August 31, 2019.
Gary Avery
Laurie Eaton
Appoint the following Adirondack Academy staff to work per diem at their daily rate to prepare for the new school year and implementation of a new quarterly credit block schedule effective July 11, 2019 through August 31, 2019.
Julie Blanchard – School Counselor
Up to 25 days
Kasie Hext – School Psychologist
Up to 5 days
(SY 19-20 #18)
Appoint the following Bus Drivers with Regional Transportation to work effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019 at their CSEA contracted rate of pay.
Gregory Baldwin
Michael Brown
Clarence Chamberlain
Dennis Comstock
Renee Dunham
Laurie Fallis
Jose Gonzales
Eileen Henry
Michele Kuhne
Dennis LaFountain
Allan MacVean
Susan Martin
Debra McArthur
Kelly Morrison
Amy Mulvey
Gregory Musillo
William Peek
Jonnie Perry
Amy Pettit
Jason Shanahan
Aaron Sieg
Marie Smimmo
Paul Vosteen
Kenneth Wetmore
(SY 19-20 #19)
Appoint the following School Bus Attendants with Regional Transportation to work effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019 at their CSEA contracted rate of pay.
Nicollette Buddle
Lynn Buyce
Rebecca Carter
Aubrey Catucci
Cathy Catucci
Margaret Coolidge
Pamela Dooling
Robert Gallup
Crystal Hopkins
Marcia Miles
Taylor Miller
Hannah Molina
Maria Morey
Leandra Smith
Melissa Ten Eyck
Korena Thornton
Sandra Town
Antoinette Walters
Monique Wheeler
Appoint the following Career and Technical Education staff members for summer curriculum work effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019 at a rate of $25.00 per hour up to 50 hours:
John Ackermann
Michael Andrews
Robert Boshart
Erika Bucenec
Adam Cancio
Zachary Carrico
Valerie Charpentier
Kevin Collins
Thomas Davis
Steven Derwin
Thomas DiMezza
Ryan England
A. Christopher Flint
Jason Hillabrandt
Andrew Huth
Donald Lucas
Sean Mahon
Julie Mead
Thomas Nethaway
Craig Newkirk
Richard Santelli
Phillip Schuyler
Rebecca Skretkowicz
Meredith Tuppen
Joanne Wood
TBA Careers in Education
(SY 19-20 #20)
Appoint the following Career and Technical Education School Counselors to work up to 20 days at their daily rate effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019:
Kathleen Daly
Charis Kakavelos
Appoint the following Itinerant staff member to work up to five days at her daily rate for ENL support work effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019:
Kealy Brunelle
(SY 19-20 #21)
Appoint the following staff to work hourly for the Regional Summer School or Regional Enrichment mprograms effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019 at the corresponding rate next to their names:
Sweeney, Jill, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Blanchard, Julie, Guidance Counselor, $30.00
VanSlyke, Taylor, Guidance Counselor, $30.00
Barbara Susi, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Jamie Dickinson, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Kelly Long, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Orapello, Anthony, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
(SY 19-20 #22)
Appoint the following staff to work hourly for the Regional Summer School or Regional Enrichment programs effective July 3, 2019 through August 31, 2019 at the corresponding rate next to their names:
Palczak, Deanna, Teacher Aide, $13.52
Valachovic, Leanne, Teacher Aide, $13.52
(SY 19-20 #23)
Appoint the following staff to work hourly for the Regional Summer School or Regional Enrichment programs effective July 8, 2019 through August 31, 2019 at the corresponding rate next to their names:
Jones, Tammy, School Media Specialist/Proctor, $30.00
Stalteri, April, School Counselor, $30.00
(SY 19-20 #24)
Appoint the following staff to work for the Regional Summer School or Regional Enrichment programs effective July 11, 2019 through August 31, 2019 at the corresponding rate next to their names:
Bagot, Anne M., Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Baker, Melissa A., Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Baker-Hale, Amy, Teacher/Proctor, $30.00
Bermas, Angela, Teacher/Proctor, $30.00
Bloom, Matthew T., Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Brower, Sandra, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Bruce, Tara, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Catania, Melissa, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Davies, Jacqueline, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
DiNatale, Kelly, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Douglass, Mary, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Fitzpatrick, Erica, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
George, Jessica, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Greco, Frank, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Habla, Hillary, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Kindar, Erin, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Kohout, Jamie, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Litz, Hanz, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Long, James, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Lysiak, Doral, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Sheehy (Mars), Kristin, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
McAvey, Abigail, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
McLaughlin, Andrea, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Miles, Melissa, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Miller, Patricia, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Newkirk, Craig, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Newkirk, Rebecca, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Osarczak, Gary, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Pietropaolo, Darcy, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Schell, Michael, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Schell, Kristen, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Solan, Elaine, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Spagnola, Nancy, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Straub, Sara, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Torell, Kelly, Teaching Assistant, $15.00
Trova, Sharon, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Walrath, AnneMarie, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Waters, Wendi, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
Zeh, Wendy, Teacher/Proctor/Scorer, $30.00
(SY 19-20 #25)
Andrew Huth, CTE, Yearbook
Phillip Schuyler, CTE, CTE/Marketing Promotion
Kevin Collins, CTE, Culinary Arts
Thomas Davis, CTE, CTECC
Ryan England, CTE, National Technical Honor Society
Robert Boshart, CTE, Work-Based Learning
(SY 19-20 #26)
Amended Appointments
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to amend the following appointment:
Emma Heroth, Special Education ESYP, $6,918.37, Salary, effective date: 07/01/2019-08/09/2019, Not to Exceed: N/A, 0.6 FTE Occupational Therapist
(SY 19-20 #27)
James Beirlein made a motion to approve six Summer Student Counselor positions for Summer Bridge from July 22-26, 2019. This motion was seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried.
(SY 19-20 #28)
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Harry Brooks and unanimously carried to authorize the Interim District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Service Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and Deborah Grimshaw to provide refresher and new evaluator training for principals, superintendents and other administrators effective July 11, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
(SY 19-20 #29)
James Beirlein made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to authorize the Interim District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and Deborah Grimshaw to coordinate all aspects of home school instruction support for districts participating in HFM BOCES home school COSER from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
(SY 19-20 #30)
August 28 Regular Board Meeting 5:00 p.m. HFM BOCES Board Room
September 3, 2019 Opening Day 8:00 a.m., HFM BOCES Conference Center
At 5:52 p.m., with no further business to come before the Board, Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve to adjourn to a Board retreat. This motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Eaton
Clerk of the Board