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HFM BOCES School Library System Council and Communications Coordinators Meeting Minutes Dec. 11, 2018

PRESENT: Kristi Beedon, Carla Bengle-Mackey, Deb Booth, Cornelius Bradt, Sarah Cordts, Kathy Gundrum, Karen Johnson, Tammy Jones, Eric Trahan, Lori Youker, Halley Zanconato

ABSENT: Tariyka Chaulk, Christine Suhr, Dan Towne

Library Automation Update (Deborah Booth)

We are hoping to move to BLUECloud which is a web-based Horizon interface for circulation only. It has a more modern look/feel.  Regular access to Horizon will continue.

Tariyka will be emailing everyone some questions that she has regarding the setup of the program.

Tariyka and Grace will use the cataloging portion of BLUEcloud.

Tariyka would like volunteers to be pilot schools at the elementary and secondary levels.  Carla volunteered to pilot at the high school level.  Cornelius volunteered for the elementary level.

Action: Email Horizon users questions related to BlueCloud.

CDLC Update (Kathy Gundrum)

Emily has left.  CDLC hired a new Resource Sharing Librarian, who starts January 7.

Kathy Corbett is retiring as of 12/31/18. She has been with CDLC for over 30 years.

Emily did a lot of work on the electronic ILL form as well as some great tutorials. CDLC would be happy to do another presentation showing how to make ILL requests.

CDLC is working with Questar in presenting a symposium regarding preparing high school students for college. There seems to be lots of interest. They would like to continue to make presentations on a quarterly basis with both academic and public schools. They are willing to consider rotating locations. They will be meeting again next month.

For a second session, they would like to have a full team of teachers. Topics suggested by the college librarians were citations and plagiarism.

CDLC is still working on highlighting collections. They just highlighted a religious collection at Sienna. If anyone knows of a unique collection that others should know about, please let CDLC know. They will try to promote the collection and/or arrange for a tour. Tammy mentioned that the Fort Plain Library has a display highlighting local history for the Mohawk Valley.

CDLC is putting together a tech library which will have tech equipment that can be borrowed.

All were encouraged to visit the CDLC website and sign up for the newsletter.

The next round of grants for digitizing collections will be coming out in January.

Kathy just testified at the NY Assembly where they are focusing on the 2020 census. The concern is how to get the libraries involved in assisting individuals to complete their census forms.

MVLS Update (Eric Trahan)

Cards were handed out showing a new push in the public libraries. It promotes which is a national network of medical libraries.  In conjunction with that, everyone is encouraged to log on and report their daily steps. They will be combined to track progress towards a walk to the moon.

The three public library systems are cooperating to encourage the use of

Workshops (Deborah Booth)

In reviewing the evaluations of the October workshop:

20 out of 24 said that the workshop was very valuable.

The items getting positive results are Tammy’s student and Laura, the presenter from Barnes & Noble; the hands on/play time and the time for collaboration/sharing of ideas.

Areas highlighted for improvement were to have separate workshops for elementary and secondary grades and that they felt the workshop was geared toward the secondary grades.

In November, the 4 Systems provided a workshop with Donalyn Miller and vendor presentations. Attendees were encouraged to share their observations.

We are offering Cool Tools again.  There are only 3 who have signed up to date.

Day 4 of the first series of AASL workshops will be held on January 30th.

There is a second series of AASL workshops being held on January 9 and 10 at Capital Region BOCES for those who did not already attend.

SLS Annual Report (Deb Booth)

The Annual Report was filed with SED. It was accepted. The report needs to be approved by the Council. Copies were distributed for review.

Carla Bengle-Mackey made a motion that the Annual Report be accepted. It was seconded by Tammy Jones. All present approved the report.

ICAD (Karen Johnson)

$150 minigrants were given to middle/high schools. The funds can be used for the purchase of books that inspire creativity.

Orders have been received from all but 2 schools. They have been entered for processing.

Advocacy (Tariyka Chaulk)

Notes were written to NY Assemblypersons and Senators requesting that ALL students have equal access to a quality school library staffed by a certified NYS Librarian. Requests were also made to increase State Library Aid to advance information fluency.

Continuing Education (Deb Booth)

What we’re thinking:

  • BLUEcloud Intro
  • Creating reports (Horizon/Web Reporter)
  • Book Fair Vendors – Scholastic, Follett, Barnes & Noble (concern was expressed that vendors will not go into high schools)
  • Admin breakfast (It was mentioned that NYS is looking for a new librarian. Perhaps that individual would be a potential presenter)

Workshop Ideas from Surveys

  • Student programming
  • Content area standards
  • Library reorganization
  • Library promotion for flex schedule libraries
  • Weeding
  • Video editing
  • Tech lessons
  • Publishing/writing
  • Virtual field trips
  • Facilitating collaboration
  • Google certification
  • IRC Show and Tell
  • Keeping up with literature and tech
  • Getting students to read
  • Website creation
  • Digital citizenship
  • Ideas, sites, tools for early childhood research
  • Lesson design
  • Diversity in perspectives (reading and research)
  • Database use in classrooms

Other suggestions:

  • 3D printing
  • Organizing library by genre
  • Free options for video editing (it was suggested that the special effects teacher at FMCC might be willing to make a presentation)
  • Genealogy

Other Business (Karen Johnson)

Tariyka would like to use the new year to be in the schools more. She’d like to do more collaboration. If you are doing some fun activity or trying something new, please let her know. She’d like to be an extra set of hands, eyes and ears.

Tariyka would like to begin a blog. Please send her pictures of activities going on in your classes for inclusion.

Concern was expressed regarding the combinations in the Break Out EDU boxes. It was suggested that everyone be asked to reset them to zero so the next person can easily use them.

Upcoming Dates (Karen Johnson)

Advisory Council/Communication Coordinators: 3/7/19

Council: 4/17/19

Long Range Planning Committee:  1/25/19

Section of School Librarians (Syracuse):  May 30 – June 1

Awards Luncheon:  5/22/19


Motion to adjourn made by Halley Zanconato and seconded by Carla Bengle-Mackey.
