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Oct. 30, 2019 Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Click here to download printer-friendly Oct. 30, 2019 meeting minutes

Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Counties
Johnstown, NY 12095


October 30, 2019


Central Administration Board Room


Regular Monthly


James Beirlein, Harry Brooks, Carmen Caraco, John DeValve, Joanne Freeman, Jean LaPorta and Allan Turnbull


David Ziskin, District Superintendent; Lorraine Hohenforst, Deputy Superintendent; Kathi Lewis, School Business Official; Matthew Davis, PTECH Principal; Katie Catucci, Foothills PTECH English Teacher; Adrienne Zych, Foothills PTECH Social Studies Teacher and and Christine Eaton, Clerk


President Freeman called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented and add any items introduced by unanimous vote.


Matthew Davis, Principal of PTECH spoke to the Board about himself and the PTECH program. Katie Catucci and Adrienne Zych, Foothills PTECH teachers, thanked the Board members for their service and presented them with a token of gratitude for Board Member’s appreciation week.


John DeValve, and unanimously carried to approve the Claims Auditor Report for the period of September 12, 2019 through October 11, 2019. (SY 19-20 #258)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John Devalve, and unanimously carried to approve the Treasurer’s Reports from August 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019 and September 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019 as submitted. (SY 19-20 #259, #260)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to accept the Extraclass reports for the months of July, August and September 2019. (SY 19-20 #261, #262, #263)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to approve the Management Response Letter to be submitted to the New York State Education Department. (SY 19-20 #264)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to accept the following grant funds, and authorize their suitable appropriation and expenditure, pursuant to State Education Department and/or local approvals:

Perkins IV/CTEIA – Basic Grant- $167,935.00

(SY 19-20 #265)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to accept the District Superintendent’s Credit Card Summary for the period of July 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019. (SY 19-20 #266)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to accept the Deputy Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer’s Credit Card Summary for the period of July 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019. (SY 19-20 #267)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVES that the Board of Education of the Hamilton Fulton Montgomery BOCES hereby approves the Amendment and Release by and between HFM BOCES and Unifirst dated October 7, 2019 and authorizes the award of purchase orders for necessary linens to Century Linen for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. (SY 19-20 #268)

2019-2020 ADULT LUNCH PRICE – Revised

Due to a rounding formula in the school lunch software, Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to change the adult lunch price from $4.25 to $4.24 effective September 4, 2019. (SY 19-20 #269)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to mauthorize the District Superintendent to execute the Lease Agreements by and between HFM BOCES and Schoharie Workforce Development Board Inc., to provide the HFM BOCES Adult Literacy and Corrections Education program with the use and occupation of space located in the Gloversville and Amsterdam Workforce Solutions Centers effective September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021. (SY 19-20 #270, #271)


Pursuant to the competitive bidding process, Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to accept the bid extension as noted by memorandum from the Purchasing Official in the following areas:

RFP 18-01 Independent Audit Services
West and Company, CPA’s PC
97 North Main Street
PO Box 1219
Gloversville, NY  12078
(SY 19-20 #272)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the agreement by and between HFM BOCES and Bouchey and Clarke Benefits, Inc. to perform tracking and reporting services pursuant to the Affordable Care Act through June 30, 2020. (SY 19-20 #273)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and George Harrington to provide temporary, part-time facilities consulting services. (SY 19-20 #274)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and PBLWorks to provide a three-day workshop in July 2020.  (SY 19-20 #275)


Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve, and unanimously carried to approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Hamilton Fulton Montgomery BOCES hereby approves the settlement and rider by and between the BOCES and Frontier Communications Corp. effective July 12, 2019 and authorizes the District Superintendent to execute said agreements. (SY 19-20 #276)


At 5:17 p.m. the Board entered executive session for the purpose of discussing matters that may lead to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of particular persons (or alternatively. A particular corporation) upon a motion made by Jean LaPorta, seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried.


At 5:34 p.m. John DeValve made a motion to return to open session. This motion was seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried.


John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2019 Regular Board Meeting and October 7, 2019 Special Board Meeting. This motion was carried unanimously.


The Deputy Superintendent’s Report included:

► PTECH Program
► Citi BOCES Tour


The District Superintendent’s Report included:

► Communication Update
► Collaboration Update
► Advocacy Update
► Draft Goal Development
► State Updates


Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation, the following personnel items  were presented to the Board for acceptance or approval. All new appointments are contingent upon receipt of Employment Eligibility Verification form

Resignations for Retirement

Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to accept the following resignations for retirement:

Michele Kuhne, Bus Driver, Regional Transportation (07/01/2013), Effective: 12/09/2019
Douglas Clute, Auto Mechanic, Regional Transportation (05/20/2013), Effective: 10/11/2019
Susan Martin, Bus Driver, Regional Transportation (2/26/2015), Effective: 11/28/2019

(SY 19-20 #277, #278, #279)


John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Harry Brooks and unanimously carried to accept the following resignations:

Stacy Marzullo, Teacher on Special Assignment, Special Education (11/27/2017), Effective: 10/15/2019Jennifer Nicolella, Senior Typist, Substitute Services (09/01/2018), Effective: 10/04/2019
Jennifer Nicolella, Deputy Claims Auditor, Business Office (06/20/2019, Effective: 10/11/2019

(SY 19-20 #280, #281, #282)

Appointment – Certified Teachers

Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to appoint the following certified teachers:

(Tenure will be contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout his or her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 3012, 3012-c, 3012-d)

Name: Cristin Murphy, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: English, Title: English Teacher, Salary: $43,226.00, pro-rated $39,119.53, Effective Dates: 09/30/2019-09/29/2023, Location: Ag-PTECH, FTE: 1.0, Certification: English Language Arts 7-12 – Initial

Name: Mary Ann Thombs, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Social Studies, Title: Social Studies Teacher, Salary: $44,288.00, pro-rated $37,426.36, Effective Dates: 10/21/2019-10/20/2023, Location: Special Education, FTE: 1.0, Certification: Social Studies 7-12 – Initial

(SY 19-20 #283, #284)

Appointments – Certified Related Services Personnel

John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to appoint the following Related Services Personnel:

Name: Kristen Sikora, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Teacher on Special Assignment – Instructional Support Services in Curriculum and Differentiated Instruction Analysis of Student Performance Data, Title: Teacher on Special Assignment, Salary: $60,249.00, pro-rated to $54,524.35, Effective Dates: 09/30/2019-09/29/2022, Location: Itinerant Services, Certification: English 7-12 – Permanent

(SY 19-20 #285)

Appointments – Civil Service

John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to appoint the following Civil Service appointments:

Name: Jennifer Kuhn, Appointment Type: Probationary, CS Title: Senior Typist, Probationary Term: 10/01/2019-09/30/2020, Salary: $25,923.61, pro-rated to $19,442.70, FTE: 1.0, Location: Substitute Services

Name: Jennifer Quill, Appointment Type: Probationary, CS Title: Senior Typist, Probationary Term: 10/15/2019-10/14/2020, Salary: $25,923.61, pro-rated to $18,362.50, FTE: 1.0, Location: Substitute Services

Name: Donna Rolon, Appointment Type: Probationary, CS Title: Bus Driver, Probationary Term: 10/31/2019-10/30/2020, Salary: $17.66 per hour, FTE: 1.0, Location: Regional Transportation

Name: Michael Carpenter, Appointment Type: Probationary, CS Title: Custodial Worker, Probationary Term: 10/15/2019-10/14/2020, Salary: $24,700.98, pro-rated to $17,496.58, FTE: 1.0, Location: Operations

Name: Michelle Husek, Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: Administrative Aide, Effective: 12/2/2019, Salary: $41,616.00, pro-rated to $24,276.00, FTE: 1.0, Location: Central Administration

(SY 19-20 #286, #287, #288, #289, #290)

Appointments – All Other Appointments

Harry Brooks made a motion, seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried to appoint the following appointments:

a. Recommend the Board approve the appointments of the substitutes listed below, with effective dates as noted.  Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).

Teacher – effective 10/30/2019

Kenneth Pfeiffer, Jane Burroughs-Parks, Tyler Bellen, Angel Warner, Rod Wilday, Mary Schilling, Frank Pettit, Jamal Vazquez

Teacher Aide – effective 10/30/2019

Stephanie Oliver, Alfaratta Eppley, Angel Warner, Amber Trumbull, Michele Sheldon, Frank Pettit

School Monitor – effective 10/30/2019

Stephanie Oliver, Alfaratta Eppley, Angel Warner, Amber Trumbull, Michele Sheldon, Frank Pettit

Typist – effective 10/30/2019

Stephanie Oliver

School Bus Driver – effective 10/3/2019

Shayla Dixon

School Bus Attendant – effective 10/3/2019

Shayla Dixon

School Bus Attendant – effective 10/11/2019

Kelly Nethaway

School Bus Attendant – effective 10/15/2019

Virginia Peck

(SY 19-20 #291, #292)

b. Recommend the Board approve the appointments and re-appointments of staff listed below for the 2019-20 school year, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).

1. Deborah Grimshaw, Foothills PTECH, $410.00 Per Diem, 10/24/2019-06/30/2020, N/A, Interim Principal
2. Joshua Barmen, Adult Literacy and Corrections Education, $16.11 Hourly, 08/10/2019-06/30/2020, N/A, Hourly, Interpreter
3. John Paris, CTE, $105.00, Per Diem, 10/15/2019-06/30/2020, N/A, Long-term Substitute
4. Jacquelene Hill, Business Office, $20.00, Hourly, 10/16/2019-06/30/2020, N/A, Interim Claims Auditor
5. Stacy Marzullo, Special Ed, $57,741.60, Salary, 10/16/2019-06/30/2020, N/A, Administrative Coordinator of Special Education
6. Michael Timlin, Special Ed, $1,588.62 Salary, 10/07/2019-10/15/2019, N/A, Special Education Teacher
7. Heather Mello, Business Office, $20.00, Hourly, 10/31/2019-06/30/2020, N/A, Claims Auditor

(SY 19-20 #293, #294, #295, #296, #297, #298, #299)

c. Appoint the following mentors to continue mentoring for the 2019-2020 school year effective July 1, 2018.

They will be paid no more than $1,000 for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 combined school years:

Phillip Schuyler, Allyson Warren, Kimberly Hale, John Gleeson, Kristin Michaels, Louise Huth

d. Appoint the following mentors for the 2019-2020 school year effective July 1, 2019.  They will be paid no more than $1,000.00 for the school year depending upon the number of actual mentoring hours.

Jamie Sedal-Amman, Anna Everhardt, Jeffrey Frank, Kristen Michaels, Alison Daly, Michelle Rice, Daniella Murphy, Michelle Rice, Shannon Argersinger, Elizabeth Wild, Elizabeth Wild, Anna Goderie, Jeanne Halloran, Ryan England, Sheila Thomas, Sheila Thomas, Erika Bucenec, Phillip Schuyler, Robert Boshart, Julie Carroll, Anna Goderie, Julie Blanchard, Nancy Turnbull
Jennifer Martelle-Mahon, Rebecca Skretkowicz, Robert Boshart, Jeanne Halloran

(SY-20 #301)

e. Advisors

1. Sandra Barkevich, PTECH, Student Government
2. Anna Goderie, PTECH, Academic Club
3. Keturah Tallon, PTECH, Academic Club
4. Peter Briele, PTECH, Academic Club
5. Melissa McGill, PTECH, Art Club
6. Rodney Schuyler, PTECH, Blacksmith Guild Club
7. Jacob Brode, PTECH, Drama Club
8. Sandra Barkevich, PTECH, FBLA
9. Kayleigh Denney, PTECH, Student Judicial Counsel
10. Zachary Carrico, PTECH, Robotics I
11. Jacob Brode, PTECH, Robotics II
12. Jeanne Halloran, PTECH, Yearbook
13. Brandon Trinkle, Ag-PTECH, FFA
14. Dylan Toscano, Ag-PTECH, Student Government
15. Kelly Long,Ag-PTECH, Academic Club

(SY 19-20 #302, #303)

f. Appoint the following staff member to an un-paid Administrative Internship position with the Adirondack Academy effective September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020:

1. Brian Garrity – English Teacher, ADK

(SY 19-20 #304)

Amended Appointments

Harry Brooks made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to amend the following appointment

Remington, K.

Remington, Kimberly – Special Education Teacher with Special Education amending her October 7, 2019 probationary appointment to be effective November 8, 2019 through November 7, 2023.  Mrs. Remington was originally appointed to a four-year probationary appointment effective November 6, 2019 through November 5, 2023.  Salary: $45,356.00, pro-rated to $35,150.90.  (SY 19-20 #305)


Jean LaPorta made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the HFM BOCES terminates the employment of Tresha Bleyl pursuant to Civil Service Law §71 effective October 31, 2019. (SY 19-20 #306)

Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve thefollowing resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the HFM BOCES terminates the probationary appointment of Barbara Reinoso effective at the close of business on October 16, 2019. (SY 19-20 #307)

BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Board Member Appreciation Week

The Board was recognized for their dedication to the children and education by a Proclamation from Governor Andrew Cuomo.

NYSSBA Convention

President Freeman talked about the NYSSBA convention that she had just recently attended in Rochester.


The Board discussed possibly designing a plaque that displays their goals and visions.

Board President’s Forum

President Freeman shared a Board President’s Forum website with the Board.

Board Member Reports And Comments

Dr. Brooks talked about Board Norms and Protocols and suggested they be reviewed annually at the Reorganizational Meeting.


November 20, 2019 – MSSBA Meeting, 6:00 p.m. HFM BOCES Conference Center.
December 11, 2019– HFM BOCES Regular Board Meeting, 5:00pm HFM BOCES Board Room


With no further business to come before the Board, Allan Turnbull made a motion at 6:53 p.m. to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Eaton
Clerk of the Board
