Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Counties
Johnstown, NY 12095
January 31, 2019
Central Administration Board Room
Regular Monthly
Harry Brooks, Carmen Carcaco, John DeValve, Joanne Freeman, Jean LaPorta and Allan Turnbull
James Beirlein
Anita Murphy, Interim District Superintendent; Lorraine Hohenforst, Deputy Superintendent; Kathi Lewis, School Business Official; Aaron Flynn, Human Resources Manager; Michael Jacob, Director of Special Education; Jay DeTraglia, Director of Career and Technical Education; Denise Capece, Ag-PTECH Principal; Shawna and Chad Fleck; Ashley Onyon, Leader Herald Reporter and Christine Eaton, Clerk
President Freeman called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented and add any items introduced by unanimous vote.
Harry Brooks made a motion, seconded by John DeValve to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2018 Regular Board Meeting and the December 19, 2018 Special Board Meeting. This motion was carried unanimously.
The District Superintendent’s Report included:
► 2019-20 Proposed Administration Budget
The Deputy Superintendent’s Report included:
► Ag-PTECH Agricultural Business of the Year Award from the Fulton-Montgomery Chamber of Commerce
► SROs
► CTE Visits for 7th Graders
Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation, the following personnel items were presented to the Board for acceptance or approval. All new appointments are contingent upon receipt of Employment Eligibility Verification forms.
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried to accept the following resignations:
Richard Mazzone, Science Teacher, ADK (09/01/2018), effective date: 01/25/2019
Catherine Knabe, Long-term Substitute, Itinerant Services (12/13/2018), effective date: 01/24/2019
Michael Dardaris, PTECH Principal, PTECH (01/01/2014), effective date: 02/22/2019
(SY 18-19 #251, #252, #253)
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried to accept the following resignations for retirement purposes with regret, due to their length of service to HFM BOCES:
Deborah Booth, Coordinator of School Library Systems and Instructional Resources, School Library Systems and Instructional Resources (09/01/1986), effective date: 07/31/2019
Rosemary Gilston, Teacher Aide, Special Ed (09/01/1980), effective date: 06/28/2019
Paula Mroz, RSE-TASC Coordinator, Special Ed (12/01/2008), effective date: 06/30/2019
(SY 18-19 #254, #255, #256)
Unpaid Leaves of Absence
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to approve the following unpaid leaves of absence:
Deborah Henderson, Hourly Food Service Helper, Central Food Service (09/01/2015), effective date: 01/05/2019- 02/03/2019
Tresha Bleyl, School Bus Attendant, Regional Transportation (12/07/99), effective date: 01/02/2019 – 06/30/2019
Cortney Siddon, Principal Account Clerk, Business Office (01/13/2014), effective date: 02/06/2019 – 02/21/2019
Jonnie Perry, Bus Driver, Regional Transportation (07/01/2013), effective date: 02/11/2019 – 02/15/2019
Clarence Chamberlain III, Bus Driver, Regional Transportation (09/27/2018), effective date: 02/11/2019-02/15/2019
(SY 18-19 #257, #258, #259, #260, #261)
Establish Position
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Allan Turnbull and unanimously carried to establish the following position:
Name: Kayleigh Denney, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Physical Education, Title: Physical Education Teacher, Salary: $42,161.00, Effective Dates: 12/01/2018 – 11/30/2022, Location: PTECH, FTE: 1.0, Certification: Physical Education – Initial
Name: Thomas Nethaway, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Technical Trade Subjects Law Enforcement Services, Title: Criminal Justice Teacher, Salary: $50,069.00 pro-rated $15,393.23, Effective Dates: 12/19/2018 – 12/18/2022, Location: CTE, FTE: 0.5, Certification: Law Enforcement Services 7-12 – Transitional A
Name: Shawna Fleck, Appointment Type: Probationary, Tenure Area: Special Education, Title: Special Education Teacher, Salary: $50,673.00, Effective Dates: 02/25/2019 – 02/24/2023, Location: Special Education, FTE: 1.0, Certification: Students with Disabilities (1-6) – Professional
(SY 18-19 #262, #263, #264)
Civil Service (Permanent Appointment subject to defined probationary term indicated in the effective dates)
Name: Scott Minnich. Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: Custodial Worker, Probationary Term: 01/02/2019-01/01/2020, Salary: $24,216.64 pro-rated to $12,007.40, FTE: 1.0, Location:Operations
Name: Sheri Buczek, Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: Teacher Aide, Probationary Term: 01/02/2019-01/01/2020, Salary: $17,362.00 pro-rated to $10,417.20, FTE: 1.0, Location: Special Education
Name: Madison Pape, Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: Teacher Aide, Appointment Date: 01/02/2019-01/01/2020, Salary: $17.362.00 pro-rated to $10,417.20, FTE: 1.0, Location: Special Education
Name: Maria Pedrick, Appointment Type: Permanent CS Title: Teacher Aide, Appointment Date: 01/02/2019-01/01/2020, Salary: $17,362.00 pro-rated to $10,417.20, FTE: 1.0, Location: Special Education
Name: Heather Tesiero, Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: Teacher Aide, Appointment Date: 01/02/2019-01/01/2020, Salary: $17,362 pro-rated $10,417.20
FTE: 1.0, Location: Special Education
Name: Melinda Diane Whitek, Appointment Type: Permanent CS Title: Teacher Aide, Probationary Term: 01/02/2019-01/01/2020, Salary: $17,362.00 pro-rated to $10,417.20, FTE: 1.0, Location: Special Education
Name: Nicole Wolfe, Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: Teacher Aide, Appointment Date: 01/02/2019-01/01/2020, Salary: $17,362.00 pro-rated to $10,417.20, FTE: 1.0, Location: Special Education
Name: Sara Sheldon, Appointment Type: Provisional, CS Title: Senior Typist, Appointment Date: 01/01/2019, Salary: $25,415.30 pro-rated to $12,707.64, FTE: 1.0, Location: Foothills PTECH
Name: Korena Thornton, Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: School Bus Attendant, Probationary Term: 01/31/2019-01/30/2020, Salary: $12.25 per hour, FTE: 1.0, Location: Regional Transportation
Name: Amy Mulvay, Appointment Type: Permanent, CS Title: Bus Driver, Probationary Term: 01/31/2019-01/30/2020, Salary: $17.31 per hour, FTE: 1.0, Location: Regional Transportation
(SY 18-19 #265, #266, #267, #268, #269, #270, #271, #272, #273, #274)
All Other Appointments
a. Recommend the Board approve the appointments of the substitutes listed below, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).
Teacher – effective 01/31/2019
Willam Johnson, Amy Clark, Miranda O’Neil, Sarah Ellis, Jamie Farman, Marc Eglin, Deja Donde, Camile Hyacinthe, Kelsi Hidde, Carly Baker, Ashley Edwards, Peter Briele
Teacher Aide – effective 01/30/2019
Amy Clark, Gabrielle VanValkenburg, Melissa Roe, Tina Piotrowski, Jenna Salvagni, Miranda O’Neil, Elyse Morales, Deja Donde, Cynthia Royce, Camile Hyacinthe, Sara Radliff, Dawn Vunk, Ashley Edwards
Registered Professional Nurse (School) – effective 01/31/2019
Valerie Skaarland
Food Service Helper – effective 12/05/2018
Robin Luck
Typist – effective 01/31/2019
Sara Radliff, Dawn Vunk
Bus Driver – effective 12/17/18
Stephan Tierney, Christopher Ward
School Bus Attendants – effective 01/02/19
Judith Hoard, Lisa Slater, Kelly Sleezer
(SY 18-19 #275, #276)
b. Recommend the Board approve the appointments and re-appointments of staff listed below for the 2018-19 school year, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).
Sarah Santamaria, Adult Literacy and Corrections Education, $13.36 Hourly, 01/31/19-06/30/19, N/A, Hourly Teacher Aide
Peter Briele, PTECH, $105.00, Per Diem, Term of Employment: 01/14/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: N/A, Long-Term Substitute
Margaret Button, ADK, $105.00 Per Diem, Term of Employment: 01/31/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: N/A, Long-Term Substitute
Brianne Martino, Special Ed, $105.00 Per Diem, Term of Employment: 01/02/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: N/A, Long-Term Substitute
Kelly Peugh-Forte, Instructional Services, $25.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $250, Regional Scoring Manager
Catherine Clemence, Instructional Services $25.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $250, Regional Scoring Manager
Richard Mazzone, Instructional Services, $25.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $250 Regional Scoring Manager
Nancy Spagnola, Instructional Services, $25.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $250, Regional Scoring Manager
Frank Greco, Instructional Services, $25.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $250, Regional Scoring Manager
Ryan Mulligan, Instructional Services, $25.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $250, Regional Scoring Manager
Missy Miles, Instructional Services, $25.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $250, Regional Scoring Manager
Sheila Thomas, Instructional Services, $94.00 Per Diem, Term of Employment: 01/15/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $282.00, Retiree Scorer
(SY 18-19 #277, #278, #279, 280, #281)
c. Recommend the Board approve the supplemental appointments of staff listed below from 2018-2019 and school year. Eligibility for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance) is contingent upon the employee’s primary appointment.
Kealy Brunelle, Itinerant Svcs, $28.57 Hourly, Term of Employment: 09/01/2018-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $1,000, Mentor
Louise Huth, Special Ed, $28.57 Hourly, Term of Employment: 09/01/2018-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $1,000 Mentor
Michelle Rice, Special Ed $28.57 Hourly, Term of Employment: 9/01/2018-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $1,000, Mentor
Mark Tanner, CTE, $28.57 Hourly, Term of Employment: 9/01/2018-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $1,000, Mentor
Daniella Murphy, Special Ed, $28.57 Hourly, Term of Employment: 09/01/2018-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $1,000, Mentor
Sheila Thomas, PTECH, $28.57 Hourly, Term of Employment: 09/01/2018-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: $1,000, Mentor
Christian O’Callghan-Leue, Adult Literacy, $20.00 Hourly, Term of Employment: 01/31/2019-06/30/2019, Not to Exceed: 60 Hours, TASC/HSE Examiner
d. Advisors
Sandra Barkevich, PTECH, Future Business Leaders of America
Annamarie Neri, Special Education, Autism Advisor
Miscellaneous Business Items
Harry Brooks made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution:
Be it resolved, that in the event the District Superintendent delays the campus opening for one (1) or two (2) hours due to emergency conditions, and non-represented HFM BOCES employees are required to report to work on their normal start time, such employees shall receive a stipend of ten ($10) dollars per hour more than their normal hourly rate for time they work prior to the campus being open on such school delay days.
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by Carmen Caraco, and unanimously carried to approve the Claims Auditor Report for the period of November 7, 2018 through December 20, 2018. (SY 18-19 #286)
The Treasurer’s Report for the period of November 1, 2018 through November 30, 2018 was approved upon a motion made by John DeValve, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #287)
A motion was made by Carmen Caraco and seconded by John DeValve to approve the Extra Class General Ledger Report for November 2018. This motion was unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #288)
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to accept the following grant funds, and authorize their suitable appropriation and expenditure, pursuant to State Education Department and/or local approvals:
Target Field Trip Grant – $700.00 (SY 18-19 #289)
John DeValve made a motion to accept the Deputy Superintendent and CFO Credit Card Summary for the time period of October 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. This motion was seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #290)
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta to establish an Extraclass account for the Construction Technology Program with Steven Derwin as the Advisor. This motion was unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #291)
Harry Brooks made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the items listed for salvage on the Chief Financial Officer’s memorandum dated January 10, 2019. (SY 18-19 #292)
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the donations of items and funds listed on the PTECH Principal’s memorandum for a PTECH Thanksgiving Feast. (SY 18-19 #293)
Jean LaPorta made a motion to authorize the Interim District Superintendent to execute the 2019 Contract for Administration of PTECH/Pathway Programs by and between Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES and the Fulton-Montgomery Chamber of Commerce effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, recognizing that the Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce’s fiscal year is January through December, BOCES will pay the first installment by June 15, 2019 and the second installment by December 15, 2019. This motion was seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #294)
Allan Turnbull made a motion to endorse the 2019-2020 Administrative Budget in the amount of $1,720,182 without retiree health and dental. This includes a 4.1% increase over the 2018-19 budget of $1,651,770. The Administrative budget will be reviewed with the component Boards of Education at the April 3, 2019 annual meeting and is subject to public vote by said school districts on April 17, 2019. This motion was seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #295)
Jean LaPorta made a motion, seconded by John DeValve to approve the 2019-2020 School Calendar as submitted. This motion was unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #296)
Policy Second Reading
LaPorta and unanimously carried to accept policy # 5201, School Food Service Program as a second reading and adopt it. (SY 18-19 #297)
Policy First Reading
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta to accept revised policy #0010 Sexual Harassment as a first reading. This motion was unanimously carried. (SY 18-19 #298)
Mrs. Freeman reminded the Board that the HFM BOCES annual meeting is April 3, 2019 and that herself and Dr. Brooks’ seats are up for re-election. Mrs. Freeman spoke about advocating for BOCES.
February 27, 2019 – HFM BOCES Regular Board meeting, 5:00 p.m., HFM BOCES Board Room
Allan Turnbull made a motion, seconded by John DeValve to adjust the Board meeting times to 5:00 p.m. for the winter months. This motion was unanimously carried.
With no further business to come before the Board, Allan Turnbull made a motion at 6:25 p.m. to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Eaton
Clerk of the Board