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Career & Technical Education

Career & Technical Programs Coser 101

Michael A. DiMezza, Principal
(518) 736-4330
FAX: (518) 736-4331

A student with a camera sits near a window preparing to take a picture.The Career & Technical Education program offers students an avenue for career exploration and enrichment through practical learning applications. Students enrolled in Career & Technical Education programs are provided the knowledge, skills and credentials needed to succeed in college and the workplace.

To learn more about the Career & Technical programs offered visit the HFM Career & Technical Center webpage or click on a specific program to the right.

Academic Credit Courses

The Career and Financial Management course curriculum is integrated into all Career & Technical programs. Students who require this credit for graduation can do so through their CTE program.

Mathematics is integrated in the following CTE programs: Computer Information Technology; Construction Technology; Engineering Technology; and Environmental Conservation.

Social Studies courses are offered to students through individualized or small-group instruction (pull-out method) to provide students the opportunity to meet graduation requirements while participating in Career & Technical programs.

English Language Arts courses are offered to provide students an opportunity to meet graduation requirements while participating in Career & Technical programs. ELA is integrated in select Career and Technical programs to assist students in meeting their core graduation requirements.

Physical Education

Physical education classes provide students the opportunity to meet graduation requirements while participating in Career and Technical programs. This program provides many aspects of a traditional physical education program, along with the addition of leisure and lifetime activities.

Academic Intervention

The Academic Intervention Services program offers instructional support for students who need assistance to master state standards and Regents requirements for high school graduation. Areas covered include Math, English, and Social Studies.

Students receive individualized or small-group instruction using materials that are career education based.

Counseling Services

Career and Technical education students are offered counseling services that include career awareness, college selection, academic and personal counseling to help them find success in post secondary education or in the world of work.

Counseling staff helps students identify and address areas that may interfere with their ability to find success on the job and in life.

Counseling and support services offer many students the additional support and encouragement they need to find success.

CTE counseling staff assists students in identifying and meeting academic, social and personal goals, as well as provides coordination with local committees on special education, social workers, school counselors, and community service resources. Crisis counseling, career and guidance assistance are available as needed.
